Junior School


Grade RRR - Grade 7

The Wykeham Collegiate provides a safe and happy environment in which girls are encouraged to take risks, thereby learning more about themselves, each other and the world around them. The uniqueness of each girl is appreciated, recognised and celebrated, giving our girls a Truly Wonderful Childhood.
Sound, imaginative teaching ensures that girls grow in confidence, make progress and enjoy school. Our small classes allow dedicated and professional staff to nurture, stimulate and extend each girl. An exciting and relevant 21st Century curriculum, where we consciously focus on developing communication, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration skills, appeals to the girls.

Learning Support

Barriers to learning need to be identified as early as possible. The Junior School has a strong support team to assist our girls. On campus we use the services of remedial teachers, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and a social worker.
Education is viewed as a partnership between home and school and the forging of positive relationships with parents is a priority.
The Junior School offers a balanced, broad curriculum which:

Nurturing Environment | Imaginative Teaching | Learning through Play | Embracing Technology


Grade RRR to Grade R

Our focus is learning through play in Grades RRR to R. Activities are carefully considered to prepare our girls for the formal learning years. Drama, Library, Music, Physical Education and Psychomotor lessons taught by specialist teachers, provide opportunities for our girls to gain independence, explore and discover. A voluntary introductory sports programme is offered to girls in Grade R. Computer and iPad lessons begin in Grade RR. Girls are taught social media responsibility and coding.

We have a well-equipped outdoor area where the girls spend many happy hours on the jungle gyms, trampoline, cycle track, and in the sand pit and gardens. All activities promote the complete development of the child: physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually.

The Pre-Primary has its own unique characteristics based on how children of this age group make sense of the world and acquire the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes which will allow them to maximise the opportunities afforded in the formal learning years.

Outings to various venues like the SPCA, Wylie Park and Botanical Gardens reinforce our belief that not all learning takes place within the classroom.

Aftercare is available for girls in Grades RRR – Grade 2. Aftercare is a home base for girls in the afternoon. Girls are lovingly supervised by members of staff.

Pre-primary outdoor place area

Junior Primary

Grade 1 to Grade 3

Our Pre-Primary and Junior Primary teachers work closely together, ensuring a smooth transition from Grade R to Grade 1. Our small classes ensure that the start of formal schooling is individualised, nurturing and caring, allowing teachers to lay a firm foundation. A sports programme is followed in Grades 1 and 2, where girls are involved regularly in a variety of sports and ball skills programmes to develop a love of sport and to promote a healthy lifestyle. Our girls also take part in fun hockey and netball festivals. Aftercare is available for girls in the afternoon, where they are supervised by members of staff.

Senior Primary

Grade 4 to Grade 7

Girls in the Senior Primary phase have the benefit of teachers with a passion for their subject and an understanding of intermediate phase pupils.

Streamed maths classes allow girls to progress at their own pace. Project based learning integrates technology to support teaching and learning in a relevant manner.

Girls enjoy Design and Technology lessons and the Grade 7s find the practical aspect of Economic and Management Sciences relevant.

TWC senior primary girls reading in the library

Explore the Junior School

Junior School


Junior School


Junior School


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