Dramatic Art
Drama lessons within the curriculum promote the acquisition of skills such as mime, movement, dance improvisation and public speaking. The hour of Drama each week helps develop the girls’ confidence and creativity.
Annual stage productions see the culmination of the various skills taught. All girls are involved in a school production each year, including the Grade 6 and 7 play, Speech and Drama Festival or the Grade 4 and 5 Nativity play.
Music permeates all aspects of school life and the choirs, and Wind and String Ensembles, can often be heard rehearsing in the mornings before school. Our String and Wind Ensembles allow girls the opportunity to play as a member of a group. The Senior Choir and Chamber Choir perform regularly.
All girls in Grades 2 and Grade 3 learn to play the recorder and girls in Grade 3 also learn to play the violin. Many girls join the Grade 2 and 3 choir.
The study of Music develops self-discipline, persistence, outstanding physical co-ordination and is actively encouraged. From Grade 4, girls are encouraged to study an instrument of their choice and can join one or more of the choirs and ensembles.
Tuition in an array of instruments is available from a talented Music staff including, but not limited to, piano, drums, clarinet, saxophone, flute, oboe, recorder, guitar, violin and cello.
Visual Art
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